It can take up to 10 days for your refund to be processed from when your order reaches our warehouse. Please keep hold of your proof of postage until you receive your refund confirmation email.
However, sometimes parcels can be delayed getting back to us, especially during busier periods and we do kindly ask that you allow up to 10 days, from the date posted, for your return to be processed, even if your tracking is showing as received by our warehouse.
Please ensure you retain a copy of your return tracking information until your refund has been confirmed.
Once your refund has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email and your refund will appear back in your account within 3-5 working days.
Please be aware that is you are querying an uncollected Click and Collect parcel, your parcel will be held in store before being returned. As such, the 14 days will start from the day the store return your parcel.
If you have not received your refund confirmation email after 14 days from posting your parcel back to us, please do not hesitate to contact our customer services team with your order number and a copy of your return tracking information so we may look into this further for you.
Monsoon Accessorize will not accept liability for any lost or delayed returns sent back via any other methods, please ensure our returns process is followed and your online order registered via our returns portal to obtain your free return label and prevent any delay or disappointment.